Honolulu FrontRunners/FrontWalkers
A club that provides encouragement and support
to Gay Men, Lesbians, and Others
with an interest in Running or Walking
NakanakaholoMua = FrontRunners
NakanakaheleMua = FrontWalkers
These five fellows are Hawaiian
based on the ancient Hawaiian art of carving figures
on rocks to depict various activities.
These are a modern version of what
Gay Runners would have looked like in Old Hawaiian Art:
they have a triangle for body;
the two to the left are male (check out the tip end at the bottom of the triangle);
the two in the middle are women (they have breasts);
and the one to the right...
well he/she's happy running while listening to his/her walkman/woman.
If there had been color in the old days,
their body would have been, without a doubt,
pink, bright, fuchsia pink.
Our History in Pictures